With Jubiter, It’s Never Been Easier to Buy Bitcoin with a Credit Card

Jubiter, a relatively new exchange, is growing on the rock-solid foundations of the highest possible security and safety. In addition, the usability aspect of Jubiter’s platform promises to bring Bitcoin and Llitecoin into the mainstream, medium of exchange.
It is exciting to note that they have introduced a new flare in OTC that is making P2P a much easier exchange between fiat money and cryptocurrency. In order to buy Bitcoin at Jubiter.com, all you need is your credit card. They are available to serve you Monday through Saturday every week, 9 am to midnight Eastern Standard Time (EST) from over 161 countries including the U.S. and the E.U.
Open a Jubiter Account to Buy Bitcoin/Litecoin
There is no mystery to it; you can register (https://app.jubiter.com/register) with Jubiter’s exchange in less than a minute. Then, once you log into your new account, you are ready to buy Bitcoin using a credit card. For a surprisingly low investment (https://www.jubiter.com/blog/how-to-buy-bitcoins-at-jubiter)–you can get started buying Bitcoin and Litecoin.
Proceed with caution as you register though, and make sure you secure your wallet identification number. Next, the choice to download your wallet for safekeeping on your computer or store it in the exchange’s cloud–is a significant consideration. If you host with the exchange, they will have to have access to your keys. If you download your wallet to your own computer–you can keep your keys private, but you will have to remember to back up the software when necessary.
A further caution would be to ensure that the computer on which you store your digital wallet must be in a safe and secure environment. If you lose your computer–you could lose your wallet along with your investment.
Wallet Considerations with Jubiter Technologies
Software or electronic wallet accounts store digital currency–otherwise, they have nothing in common with your pocket wallet. Your digital wallet is an electronic paradigm from which you can send and receive digital currency P2P. In other words, one wallet goes with you in your pocket, and the other goes with you on your smartphone, tablet, or another device–so you can buy Bitcoin or Llitecoin or spend it.
Jubiter’s wallet is universal–meaning that you can have more than one type of cryptocurrency in it at the same time. The secure infrastructure of your Jubiter wallet requires two-factor authentication and login guard. In addition, you determine the amount of available currency in your wallet at any given time. Jubiter’s cold storage keeps the rest of your currency untouchable until you personally release it into your wallet.
Use Your Credit Card to Buy Bitcoin and Litecoin From Jubiter
A new Jubiter customer will discover the user interface (UI) of the wallet is uncharacteristically straightforward. For example, it is easy to exchange from Bitcoin to Litecoin or vice versa, and the auto verification process is immediate. Jubiter wallets have a simple converter that shows live rates by seconds–making credit card buying the first choice. New traders spend, buy, and sell from their new wallet more frequently as they get used to the fluid process.
Buy Bitcoin or Litecoin and learn how effective and safe it is to use on the internet. Because it is controlled by the blockchain–a transparent, decentralized ledger-there is no room for mistakes. When a technology exchange, like Jubiter, brings cryptocurrency down to where you live on a daily basis–and makes it easy and convenient to use–you may find yourself among the thousands around the planet who are making the transition.
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