
The three-week trend of Bitcoin surpassing Ethereum in transaction fees has come to an end

Quick Take

A recent uptrend in Bitcoin transaction fees is a development that has proven beneficial for miners. From Dec 14 to Jan 3, Bitcoin consistently surpassed Ethereum regarding transaction fees, marking three weeks.

While not unprecedented, this phenomenon was noteworthy given the typically lower Bitcoin transaction fees. Interestingly, a similar trend surfaced briefly in November when Bitcoin transaction fees outpaced Ethereum’s for three days.

However, this recent streak fell short of the record set in 2017, when Bitcoin transaction fees outperformed Ethereum’s for roughly a year. While the recent trend has concluded, the fluctuation in transaction fees between the two digital assets remains a point of interest.

Stakeholders are urged to monitor these trends as they could have significant implications for mining profitability and the broader digital asset market dynamics.

Fees, BTC vs ETH: (Source: Glassnode)
Fees, BTC vs ETH: (Source: Glassnode)

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