eBitcoin Multiple Payment Solution

The 21st century has seen a shift in consumers increasingly leading fast-paced lifestyles. Indeed, for many, time is the new luxury.
The eBitcoin Foundation is an innovative crypto platform paving the way towards mass adoption of cryptocurrencies. To appeal to the mases, saving time is at the forefront of the Foundation’s mission. It also aspires to be user-friendly and accessible. eBitcoin’s new Proxy Wallet certainly delivers.
The pioneering Proxy Wallet is the only wallet that supports eBTC’s ‘Multi Payment Solution’. eBTC MPS is unique as no other smart contract, including Ethereum, has the capability to make multiple payments in a single transaction. For the first time, eBTC holders will be able to make multiple payments to up to 255 recipients with a single transaction.
Following is the video of eBTC’s ‘Multi Payment Solution’ at work supported by ProxyCard Wallet
This groundbreaking development will save users heaps of time and is also energy efficient. The eBitcoin Foundation anticipates user-friendly advancements that are in the pipeline along with this multi-payment solution will aid mass adoption.
With a growing team of over 70 people from around the world, eBitcoin’s sustainable Ecosystem provides simple and secure ways to store, spend, and use cryptocurrencies.
eBitcoin Foundation has recently announced ProxyCard (ePRX) 1:1 airdrop on 17th March.
With the help of both communities’ and teams’ hard work, ePRX will be the most valuable airdropped token due to the following reasons:
- Unlike other blockchains recent airdrops, ePRX being airdropped only have a total supply 50m token and not Billions – creating value from the outset.
- ProxyCard already has a State-of-the-Art working product and there are a lot of exciting planned developments in the pipeline that will bring great value to ePRX that makes Proxy Wallet stand out.
- On paper and in practice, Proxy Wallet is the most secure cryptocurrency wallet available. It combines the convenience of a mobile software wallet with the security of a hardware cold wallet. This creates a two factor process for all transactions that includes a login with a biometric or NFC step. Transactions are signed on device and Proxy servers are never in possession of wallet private keys.
- NFC Support – Proxy allows users to opt-in for second factor authentication using NFC technology. The NFC cards contain an encoded partial code that is only usable when combined with other parts locked behind the user’s login account. Only when all these pieces of data are combined on device can a transaction be properly signed and submitted. The NFC cards also ship with a QR code that can be used by other users or merchants to make payment requests or communicate via the built in messaging system.5. Built-in and user-friendly chat feature with an exciting UX that allows people to use Proxy Wallet to receive, send, and store funds safely and easily while communicating with each other.
- Only wallet that supports eBTC’s ‘Multi-Payment Solution’. eBitcoin’s MPS is unique as no other smart contract (token) including Ethereum itself has a capability to make multiple payments in a single transaction. Thanks to our developers, eBTC holders can make up to 255 payments in JUST ONE transaction using Proxy Wallet saving heaps of time, energy, and gas fees. This unique feature alone puts eBTC and Proxy Wallet on the frontline and will attract serious businesses to accept eBTC as a payment solution. This will also aid significantly in achieving mass adoption.
Join their Telegram for more info: https://t.me/ComTrust/
As always, we URGE you to do your own research.
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