
Bitcoin spent 2,782 days under $5,000

Quick Take

Bitcoin is currently hovering around $35,000, showcasing a remarkable year-to-date increase of over 100%. This surge has piqued interest in its trading patterns across various price ranges. When we break down the data in $5,000 intervals, which offer a clearer visual representation than $1,000 intervals, certain trends emerge.

The majority of Bitcoin’s trading history, 2782 days to be precise, falls within the $0 to $5,000 range. This is followed by 2387 days in the $0 to $1,000 range. Given Bitcoin’s early days as a pioneering asset, its prolonged presence in these lower price brackets is expected.

In the $5,000 to $10,000 range, Bitcoin has seen 716 trading days. This highlights a consistent pattern: as the price brackets increase by $5,000, Bitcoin tends to have fewer trading days within them. For instance, in the $35,000 to $40,000 and $30,000 to $35,000 brackets, Bitcoin has recorded 107 and 109 trading days, respectively.

Price Range ($) Number of Days
$0 – $5000 2782
$5000 – $10000 716
$10000 – $15000 245
$15000 – $20000 183
$20000 – $25000 165
$25000 – $30000 218
$30000 – $35000 109
$35000 – $40000 107
$40000 – $45000 94
$45000 – $50000 97
$50000 – $55000 39
$55000 – $60000 65
$60000 – $65000 36
$65000 – $70000 4

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