
ATLANT Decentralized Exchange, ATLANT Wallet and PTO Smart Contracts

London, UK., Sep 5, 2017 /ATLANT/ —The  ATLANT team released its alpha v0.1 encompassing a substantial part of the ATLANT Platform framework. ATLANT is a real estate platform built on the blockchain, specializing in tokenization of real estate and decentralized P2P rentals.

This release comes in advance of Atlant’s ICO Launch this coming week, September 7 at 1:00 UTC. The team announced three new platform components for its global real estate platform that are now available for preview on:

  1. ATLANT Decentralized Exchange
  2. ATLANT Wallet
  3. Template PTO Smart Contractcom/AtlantPlatform.

Below are screenshots of ADEX & Android Wallet and features implemented in the release:

ATLANT Decentralized Exchange
ATLANT Decentralized Exchange
ATLANT Decentralized Exchange
ATLANT Decentralized Exchange

— ATLANT Decentralized Exchange (ADEX) web client implementation
— ADEX web client supports ATL, BTC, ETH and mock property token trading, as well as token swap & basic token management
— ADEX Client handles real time market data updates and supports the following trading features (including):

  • Token trading (basic)
  • Token trading (advanced order types)
  • Token swap
  • Token management
  • Historical data
  • Account management
  • Exchange APIs
  • Leveraged trading

— ATLANT Android Client Implementation
— Platform token holders use the app to manage both Ether and ATL platform tokens, and additionally manage & trade property tokens listed on the ATLANT Platform (e.g. 15Grove or 431Kings).
— Current alpha release supports ATLANT Platform tokens (ATL) management, implementing basic wallet & token operations.

3. TEMPLATE PTO (Property Token Offering) SMART CONTRACT
— Generic PTO Smart Contract (audited)

Please visit for more detailed information regarding the ATLANT Platform.

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