A Slot Machine on Ethereum

Ethereum is one of the most exciting new technologies in the blockchain space. As a system for running decentralized applications, there is a lot of hype around it.
While we are yet to see many commercial applications built on top of Ethereum, there is a lot of experimentation. It is still in its very early days. Ethereum will have to go through a few more hard forks and developments before we see anything commercially viable on the network.
One project already building a solid reputation for quality Dapps is vDice. This platform for Ethereum gambling Dapps continues to go from strength to strength. First, there was the classic SatoshiDICE style betting, implemented as an Ethereum smart contract. This game has been on processing bets securely on the Ethereum blockchain and network for over a year.
As that game approaches 1,000,000 bets processed, vDice has released the next game on the platform. This next game is called vSlots.
vDice notes that:
“This is a decentralized slot machine, processing bets on the Ethereum blockchain. It’s a Solidity smart contract with a nice UI and user experience.”
The vSlots game uses Web3 technology and Metamask to bring 2-click betting. Usability is something that Ethereum smart contracts sorely need. Yet vDice has not had to compromise on the decentralization.
The vSlots game is processing bets. It’s connected to the main network, secure, and ready to play today.
With so much hype around Ethereum and much hope for its potential, it can be disappointing to not really find any apps you can use and enjoy. It looks like vSlots aims to change all that.
It is a simple, fun and decentralized game that shows what Ethereum can do, even at this early stage.
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